
114-寒假班 1144C2013-4-Advanced English Conversation and Current Events

 招生狀態: 招生中
 上課日期:2025-01-16 (第一週),(共6週)
 上課時間:每星期四 晚上 7點0分~9點40分
 上課地點:松山社區大學 松山社大八年三班


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The classroom environment is casual and relaxing, and there is no required homework or textbook.The teacher, Daniel Teitler, is a US citizen who grew up in upstate New York and is now a permanent resident of Taiwan. He has more than 10 years experience teaching English in Taiwan.
In this class you will have the opportunity to practice English conversation with an experienced teacher and interesting classmates from a variety of backgrounds. Topics of conversation range from daily life and practical vocabulary to important local and world affairs and current events.

1 學分,1000元
學員團體意外保險費:114-寒假班 100元

第一週11. Introductions, practice using English to get to know classmates in small groups. Conversation topic: talk about your background and lifestyle, share what you want to share about your life with new friends and your teacher.2. Current events article (TBD), open discussion, and small group conversations about the topic.
第二週21. Prepared presentations sharing thoughts and opinions related to the previous week's topics (on a volunteer basis). Small group discussions. Conversation topic: the future of English education in Taiwan.2. Current events article related to above topic, open discussion, and small group conversations.
第三週31. Prepared presentations sharing thoughts and opinions related to the previous week's topics (on a volunteer basis). Small group discussions. Conversation topic: marriage, other relationships, and family.2. Current events article related to above topic, open discussion, and small group conversations.
第四週41. Prepared presentations sharing thoughts and opinions related to the previous week's topics (on a volunteer basis). Small group discussions. Conversation topic: mobile phones and the internet: do they do more good? Or more harm?2. Current events article related to above topic, open discussion, and small group conversations.
第五週51. Prepared presentations sharing thoughts and opinions related to the previous week's topics (on a volunteer basis). Small group discussions. Conversation topic: US politics, 2020 presidential election issues.2. Current events article related to above topic, open discussion, and small group conversations.
第六週61. Prepared presentations sharing thoughts and opinions related to the previous week's topics (on a volunteer basis). Small group discussions. Conversation topic: do you usually "play it safe"? Or do you often take risks?2. Current events article related to above topic, open discussion, and small group conversations.


Daniel Teitler 講師  Daniel Teitler 講師  Daniel Teitler 講師  Daniel Teitler 講師     Daniel Teitler 講師

Master of Music 〈Piano Performance〉, University of Minnesota: May ‘09
Performer’s Certificate 〈Piano Performance〉, SUNY Purchase College: May ‘07
Bachelor of Music 〈Piano Performance〉, SUNY Purchase College: May ‘05
